In today’s fast-paced software development world, efficient CI/CD pipelines are crucial for delivering high-quality applications. If you’re working on Node.js projects and leveraging GitLab, we have great news for you! We’ve recently revamped our GitLab CI/CD pipeline configuration to supercharge your Node.js development process. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the exciting enhancements we’ve made, enabling you to streamline your CI/CD workflows, accelerate your project delivery, and introduce the powerful merge blocking feature for enhanced collaboration and code quality.

Introduction to the Enhanced Pipeline Configuration

In this section, we’ll introduce the key improvements we’ve implemented in our GitLab CI/CD pipeline configuration for Node.js projects. The enhancements include:

  1. npm ci Stage: We’ve introduced a dedicated stage for running npm ci, providing stricter and more reproducible dependency installation.
  2. Artifact Sharing: The node_modules folder, containing project dependencies, is now shared as an artifact across all stages. This ensures consistency and speeds up subsequent job execution by avoiding redundant installations.
  3. Docker Runners: Our pipeline utilizes Docker runners, offering a consistent and isolated environment for your Node.js projects.
  4. JUnit Test Reports: We’ve integrated JUnit test reporting, enabling you to generate comprehensive test reports for better visibility into your test results.

Exploring the Enhanced Configuration

In this section, we’ll dive into the updated GitLab CI/CD pipeline configuration and explain how each stage contributes to an improved development experience. Let’s take a closer look:

image: node:latest

  - install
  - build
  - test

    - node_modules/

  stage: install
    - npm ci
      - node_modules/
    - merge_requests

  stage: build
    - npm run build
    - merge_requests

  stage: test
    - npm run test -- --reporters=junit
      junit: test-results.xml
    - merge_requests

Let’s break down the pipeline configuration:

  • The image directive specifies the Docker image to use for the runners. In this case, it uses the node:latest image, which provides the necessary Node.js environment.
  • The stages section defines the different stages of our pipeline: install, build, and test.
  • The cache section is added to cache the node_modules folder. This helps improve the pipeline’s speed by reusing the dependencies from previous pipeline runs.
  • The install stage is introduced as a separate stage for running npm ci. It installs the project dependencies using the npm ci command, which ensures strict and reproducible dependency installation.
  • The artifacts section in the install stage specifies that the node_modules folder should be shared as an artifact. This allows subsequent stages to access and reuse the installed dependencies, avoiding redundant installations.
  • The build stage remains the same, executing the necessary steps to build your Node.js project.
  • The test stage now includes the --reporters=junit flag in the npm run test command, which generates JUnit test reports. The reports are collected as artifacts and can be used for further analysis.
  • Both the build and test stages are set to run only on merge requests, as specified by the only keyword. This ensures that the pipeline is triggered when a merge request is created or updated in your GitLab repository.

Collaborative Development with Merge Blocking

One of the standout features of GitLab is its merge-blocking capability, which enhances collaboration and ensures code quality. The merge blocking feature allows you to define checks that must pass before a merge request can be merged into the main branch. By incorporating GitLab’s merge blocking capability, you can enforce policies such as requiring passing pipeline jobs, code reviews, and specific approvals, ensuring that only high-quality and tested code is merged.

To enable this feature, open the repo then go to

Settings > merge requests

then enable Pipelines must succeed

So once you enable the option you can’t merge anything without a successful pipeline.

This ensures that the new code has passed all quality checks.

Implementation and Getting Started

Once you understand the enhanced configuration and merge blocking feature, it’s time to implement them in your Node.js projects. In this section, we’ll guide you through the steps of integrating the new pipeline configuration and enabling merge blocking in your GitLab repository. We’ll provide clear instructions, along with best practices and tips to ensure a seamless adoption process.


With our revamped GitLab CI/CD pipeline configuration for Node.js projects, combined with the powerful merge blocking feature, you can take your development process to the next level. By incorporating stricter dependency installation, artifact sharing, Docker runners, and merge blocking, you’ll experience faster pipelines, improved collaboration, and enhanced code quality. Embrace these enhancements and witness a more streamlined and efficient CI/CD workflow for your Node.js applications.

So, what are you waiting for? Upgrade your GitLab CI/CD pipelines today, incorporate merge blocking, and unlock the full potential of your Node.js development!

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and happy coding!

#GitLab #CI/CD #Nodejs #DevOps #ContinuousIntegration #ContinuousDelivery #MergeBlocking